Our work at MISA Zambia includes:

Media and freedom of expression monitoring
MISA Zambia conducts its own media monitoring and also maintains links with a number of sources to identify, document and publicise incidents where freedom of speech and the media has been violated, as well as victories that improve freedom of expression in Zambia.
We post these alerts on our website as well as on social media. We also publish these incidents in our quarter State of the Media Report in Zambia and annual So This Is Democracy? report.

MISA Zambia strives for a media environment where media workers are competent, critical, accountable, sensitive to gender and aware of their responsibility to society.
We support this by providing training for journalists and editors, students, civil society, and new media and citizen journalists.
Some of our past training courses included how to report on elections and human rights, how to accurately and ethically report stories involving children, and helping civil society leaders communicate in the media.

We conduct regular research on matters of media freedom, freedom of speech, and on more specific topics such as how the local media is reporting on the national interest stories and the pro-democracy movement.

Our regular publications include:

  • State of the Media in Zambia quarterly reports analysing the media environment in Zambia
  • So, This Is Democracy annual report documenting incidents of media freedom and free expression violations throughout the year
  • African Media Barometer
  • Transparency Assessment Reports

MISA Zambia strives for a free, independent and diverse media sector. Our advocacy programme works to build coalitions of people and organisations who will support MISA’s vision for a free media and join us in lobbying against laws and regulations that restrict free expression.

Our successes
MISA Zambia is considered a relevant actor in the development processes of the country.

These include:

  • the enactment of the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) and the Zambian National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) Amendment Acts of 2002.
  • advocacy that led to broadcast media growth from two radio stations in 1996 to over 150 registered radio stations in 2020 in Zambia.
  • establishing community structures called Radio Listening Clubs that use radio to advance community needs and seek duty bearers’ interventions and accountability.
  • capacity development of community media to produce quality content that increases the quality of national discourse with the intention of contributing to Zambia’s development and good governance.
  • strategic litigation to have unconstitutional sections in the Penal Code struck-off the statues. Section 67 of the Penal Code, which made it a crime to publish false news, was struck off when MISA Zambia challenged its constitutionality in court.
  • advocating against state media regulation and assisting Zambia’s media to develop a media self-regulation mechanism called the Zambian Media Council (ZAMEC). A ZAMEC bill was developed and submitted (December 2019) to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services (MIBS).
  • contributed towards maintaining citizens’ digital rights by ensuring that a proposed 2018 Cyber Crimes and Security bill was not passed due to the none-consultative approach in the development of the bill; and due to its clauses that would criminalise several actions in the cyber space as pertains the right to freedom of expression, privacy and access to information.
Latest Reports
  • Cadres Storm Yusuf Radio Station, Block Citizens First Party President Harry Kalaba

    MISA 375 Views
  • Zambia’s Cabinet Approves Introduction of New Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Bills

    MISA 558 Views
  • This President you are insulting day and night is a human being, warns Akafumba

    MISA 154 Views

MISA Zambia

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