Socialist Party president Fred M’membe Arrested for Seditious Practices

On August 8, 2024, the Zambia Police Service arrested and formally charged Dr. Fred M’membe, aged 65, for the offence of seditious practices.

In a statement released by Zambia police Public Relations Officer Rea Hamonga says, this is contrary to Section 57(I)(C) as read with Section 60(I)(B) of the Penal Code Act, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Mr Hamonga explains that, on July 16, 2024, between 13:00 hours and 14:00 hours,it is alleged that Dr. M’membe published an article on his Twitter and Facebook pages titled “Tshisekedi tells DRC Catholic Bishops about the USD 20 Million Payout to buy Zambia’s silence.

He says, The content of this article is alleged to have been intended to bring into hatred or contempt or to incite disaffection against the government as established by law.

Meanwhile, Dr. M’membe was detained in police custody and was expected to appear in court soon to answer to the charges laid against him.

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